
The ControlSpace EX-1280C and EX-440C conferencing signal processors support VoIP functionality. You can use ControlSpace Designer's Hardware Manager for the basic VoIP IP addressing setup.

Note: For access to all VoIP setup options, use the web-based VoIP application described later in this topic.


Relevant Product(s)

  • ControlSpace EX-1280C
  • ControlSpace EX-440C


Managing VoIP

From ControlSpace Designer

To set up the basic IP addressing scheme or VLAN on the EX-1280C or EX-440C in ControlSpace Designer for the outgoing VoIP network:

  1. Select Hardware Manager from the System menu.
  2. In the Hardware Manager Device List, select the check box next to the EX-1280C (as in the example below) or the EX-440C to show the Device Update panel.

      VoIP setup in Device Update panel
  3. In the VoIP section, designate whether the IP address is assigned via DHCP or is Static. If Static, enter the IP, Subnet Mask, and Gateway addresses.

    Static IP setup

  4. If appropriate, designate the VLAN ID number.
  5. Click Update VoIP to save the settings.

    Update to save VoIP settings

  6. When prompted, click Yes to reboot the device and complete VoIP setup.

From the Web-Based VoIP Application

To manage either basic or advanced VoIP and SIP 2.0 settings, including the IP address and VLAN, access the VoIP web-based application:

  1. In Signal Processing view for the EX-1280C or EX-440C, right-click an input VoIP SP block and select Open VoIP Dialer.

      VoIP Dialer
  2. Click VoIP Setup and enter "admin" for both login and password when prompted in your web browser. This default login/password can be changed in the VoIP settings web application. 

You can also access the web app:

  • from Hardware Manager by selecting the EX-1280C or EX-440C in the Device list and clicking VoIP Setup in the VoIP section of the Device Update panel
  • by entering the IP address of your EX-1280C or EX-440C signal processor in a web browser and pressing Enter to display the login and password window in the web app.
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