
This article helps troubleshoot Panaray MSA12X loudspeakers with no power and no Status LEDs.


Relevant Product(s)

  • Panaray MSA12X



If the failure is in the main module (the master array), then there will be no audio and no power status LEDs for the entire stack (whether it's a 1-stack, 2-stack, or 3-stack). You will not hear startup beeps (two short 1kHz sine wave tones) when power is applied to the stack.

If the failure is in one of the slave MSA12X units, you will be able to hear two tones when the stack is rebooted.  This is indicating that there is a Beam Preset Error, which means the number of modules currently detected does not equal the number of modules stored in the preset.


How do I determine I have a no power/component failure?

Check the status LEDs on the rear of the input panel.  If these are all blank, with no lights, you have a no power/component failure. A unit with a power failure can still pass power onto another unit above it, but it cannot pass or receive data or streaming audio.

If it is determined you have a no power/component failure, contact your local support team to service your MSA12X loudspeakers.

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