
This article focuses on troubleshooting connection issues with ControlSpace devices. This usually means a device may have IP settings that differ from your host network interface, and you can't resolve or find the device's IP.

This primarily applies to devices without a display. 

Relevant Product(s)

  • ControlSpace Designer
  • ControlSpace ESP-00 II
  • ControlSpace ESP-00
  • ControlSpace ESP-1240
  • ControlSpace ESP-1240A
  • ControlSpace ESP-1240AD
  • ControlSpace ESP-1600
  • ControlSpace ESP-4120
  • ControlSpace ESP-88
  • ControlSpace ESP-880
  • ControlSpace ESP-880A
  • ControlSpace ESP-880AD


Note: All ControlSpace processors except ESP-88/00/00II have a default setting of "DHCP enabled." 

Note: If you have just installed ControlSpace v5.9.0 or higher, updated firmware, and then lost the ability to discover the device, it may have obtained a link local IP if it was set to DHCP without a server on the network. Set your PC to "Obtain an IP Automatically" and then close and re-open CSD. 

If you already know what the device's IP is supposed to be set to, and are aware that the PCs network settings must match the devices network settings, first ping the device (Open Command Prompt, type "ping" followed by a space and then the device's IP, and press Enter). If the IP address returns a response from the ping, it's possible that it obtained the wrong subnet mask setting at one point. Hardware Manager wants all devices to have matching subnet structure even if the IPs of the PC and device are in the same general range. Try setting the PC's subnet mask to /16 (, close and re-open CSD, and try Hardware Manager again.

Tip: If there is a CC-64 on the network, and you are unaware of the original project IP, press the top and bottom bank buttons on the CC-64 to see what IP is displayed. This should be in the same range of all other devices.


General Troubleshooting - ControlSpace 4.3-Current

Troubleshooting step 1: Unknown IP / Static network

If a PC is on a static IP in the "known correct range," and you can't find the device in Hardware Manager:

-Connect the device directly via Ethernet to the PC. Set your PC's network card to "Obtain an IP Address Automatically" (IPv4 properties).

-Open Hardware Manager. (In some cases, it's a good idea to first exit and re-open ControlSpace Designer after changing IP settings.) 

If the device is still not showing up, exit Hardware Manager and power cycle the device. Open Hardware Manager again after the device reboots. 

If this still doesn't show up, try changing the Project Network Settings Subnet Mask option to /16 (, and press OK. Then press Discover Devices.

If this is still not showing up, move to the next step:


Troubleshooting step 2: Unknown Static IP / Static Network

-Set your PC's network settings to a specific static IP in the default Bose IP range of 192.168.0.x with /24 subnet ( Close and re-open CSD, and open Hardware Manager. This is only if you are unaware of what IP the device is set to.

-If still not showing up, try the same step, but with /16 subnet ( on the PC network. Close and re-open CSD, and open Hardware Manager.

-You can also use Command Prompt to run an arp table by typing "arp -a" and then Enter. This will show a list of devices on the network by IP. If the device is an ESP, it will show a MAC address starting with 00:0C:8A. 


Troubleshooting Step 3: Wireshark / Static IP network (ESP-88/00/00II is static only. Other ESPs can be either)

-Download Wireshark, or another IP discovery application. (Wireshark is freeware developed by a 3rd party company. It can be downloaded here:

-Follow the steps in this article - Using Wireshark to Find an IP Address.


Troubleshooting Step 4: Using an RS232 Serial connection to reset or obtain the device's IP.

-Use a serial communication / terminal program like Hercules to talk to the device through its RS232 port at the back. This is a null modem connection on most devices. Most PCs will be using a USB to RS232 adapter with a gender changer or null modem option. Once a connection is established, you can type "NP F" to factory restore all network settings. This puts the processor in its default state. 

The default state depends on what firmware was last installed. Unless the ESP is an ESP-88/00/00II, it will be in DHCP mode. If no DHCP server is on the network (prior to CSD v5.9 firmware) any ESP device will obtain the IP automatically instead of link local (169.254.x.x/16). 


If you've successfully obtained IP info and can now see the device info in Hardware Manager.

In CSD, go to System > Retrieve Saved Design, and then save the project file that is loaded. This will show you the original IP settings for the loaded project in Hardware Manager. Best practice is to now set your network and devices to match the IP structure of your project file. You can also set the project network to match the devices and save again as a master file. Then upload the file by going online and selecting Send to devices.

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