
In this article we will show you how to program a ControlSpace CC-16 so that it can control multiple gains in ControlSpace Designer. 


Relevant Product(s)

  • ControlSpace CC-16
  • ControlSpace Designer v1.2 or later
  • ControlSpace ESP Processors (all versions)
  • ControlSpace EX-1280
  • ControlSpace EX-1280C



Before beginning the procedure, make sure all processing blocks, block naming, signal paths, and configuring has been completed. 

Once the re-mapping procedure has been completed, making any changes such as adding additional gains or changing any gain labels will require the re-mapping procedure be done again.

The example below will use a simple system using an EX-1280 that has 3 inputs (microphones) and one output. This will demonstrate programming a single CC-16 to control the gain level of each microphone. 

Project View:

Signal Processing View:


1. One Parameter Set is created for each of the three volume controls by naming the Parameter Sets. The user will see these names on the display, so make sure the name describes what the control does. 


2. While in the Project View, drag the CC-16 Block into the Parameter 1, this stores the setting of the CC-16 in the Parameter Set. The CC-16 currently has no settings, however this step activates the Parameter set. 

Once the CC-16 has been associate with the Parameter Set, the Parameter Set recall button will turn orange indicating that a device has been added to the Parameter Set:

Repeat step 2 for Parameter Sets 2 and 3. When this is complete all three of the recall buttons will turn orange:

3. In the Project View open the CC-16 simulator view by double-clicking the CC-16 Block and then enter the Signal Processing View for the processor that contains the controls being associated with the CC-16. Move the simulator window close to the Parameter Set window.

Drag the Parameter Sets one at a time into the Select "" link 

4. Repeat for Parameter Sets 2 and 3. When done the three parameter sets will be listed in the CC-16 select list. Note that the order which the Parameter Sets are dragged onto the CC-16 is the order they will appear to the user.

5. This would be a good time to save the file.

6. With Mic 1 Level active in the Selector; drag the Mic 1 Level gain block into the Volume "" link

7. Change to Project View and Drag the CC-16 Block into the Parameter Set 1 Link. This will store the settings of the CC-16 panel in Parameter Set 1. Save the File. 

8. Change back to Signal Processing View and delete the gain block from the Volume list of the CC-16. 

9. Drag the Mic 2 Level gain block into Volume "" on the CC-16

10. Change to Project View and Drag the CC-16 Block into the Parameter Set 2 Link. This will store the settings of the CC-16 panel in Parameter Set 2. Save the File. 

11. Repeat Steps 8-10 for the Mic 3 Level gain block. Save the File

12. Test the program using the CC-16 Simulator window, making sure that each Parameter Set is controlling the correct volume control. If there are any corrections, the whole procedure will need to be repeated.

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