
This article guides you how to use the variety of Wiring and Connection Tools for devices in ControlSpace Designer.


Relevant Product(s)

  • ControlSpace Designer v5.0 and higher

For ControlSpace Designer v4.42 and lower, only Single Wire Connections are available.


Table of Contents

Single Wire Connections

Multiple Wire Connection

Fan-Out Wire Connections



ControlSpace Designer provides a variety of Wiring and Connection Tools for devices in Project View or SP Blocks in Signal Processing View

Single Wire Connections

You can click a port on one SP block or device and then click a port on another SP block or device to connect them. You can also click a port and drag to connect it to the other port on another SP block or device. 
Note that the examples are for devices in Project view but also apply to blocks in Signal Processing view.


Clicking and dragging a wire from port to port - input to output or output to input (bidirectional enabled).


Deleting a wire:  To delete a wire, click anywhere on the wire to select it and display control points. Then, press the Delete key.


Dragging the control point to move a wire:  To move a wire, click anywhere on the wire to select it and display the control points. Then, click and drag a control point to the new location.


Multiple Wire Connections

To wire multiple ports on one block or device simultaneously to the corresponding ports on another SP block or device:

  1. Click and drag to select all of the ports on the device or SP block that you want to connect to the other device or SP block. The ports will be highlighted in gold.
  2. Click one of the highlighted ports and drag a wire to the corresponding port on the other device or SP block
  3. When you release the mouse button, each of the corresponding ports will be interconnected.

Alternatively. you can select the ports on one block or device that you want to connect to the other block or device, press and hold the F3 key, click any port on the other device or SP block, and release F3 to perform the same operation. 


Fan-Out Wire Connections

To wire a single port on one SP block or device so that it fans out to multiple ports on another SP block or device:

  1. Click and drag to select all of the ports on the device or SP block that you want to connect to the single port on the other device or SP block. The ports will be highlighted in gold.
  2. Press and hold the F4 key.  Click the single port on the other device or SP block.
  3. When you release F4, the single port connection will fan out to the multiple ports on the other device or SP block.
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