The serial or RS232 port provides an alternative method for querying (and changing) the IP address of ControlSpace Devices when the Hardware Manager in ControlSpace Designer software is unavailable. This can be particularly useful when the network settings for an ESP, which does not have a front panel display, are unknown, but you do have access to the RS232 serial port.
Relevant Product(s)
- ControlSpace ESP-00 II
- ControlSpace ESP-00
- ControlSpace ESP-1240
- ControlSpace ESP-1240A
- ControlSpace ESP-1240AD
- ControlSpace ESP-1600
- ControlSpace ESP-4120
- ControlSpace ESP-88
- ControlSpace ESP-880
- ControlSpace ESP-880A
- ControlSpace ESP-880AD
- ControlSpace EX-1280
- ControlSpace EX-1280C
- ControlSpace EX-440C
ESP Processors use a 9-way D connector configured as DTE, so a crossover (or null-modem) cable will be required to connect directly to a PC, whereas the EX processors use a miniature Phoenix connector and can be wired as required.
The default communication settings are shown below. (If required these settings can be changed via ControlSpace Designer software).
| ESP-00 | ESP-880/1240/4120/1600 EX-1280C/440C/1280 |
Baud | 38.400 | 115.200 |
Data bits | 8 | 8 |
Parity | None | None |
Stop bits | 1 | 1 |
Note: if the settings are changed in time, it can be difficult to find the right settings, to recover the IP settings.
Using a program such as ‘Hercules’ or 'Putty' configured for RS232 is a convenient way to send these commands. Below you see the Hercules as example.
After you made a successful connection with the unit, it will display: Serial port COMx opened. Now you are able to send commands to the device.
To retrieve the current IP address of the unit, type:
in the 'Send' text field
Note: make sure that the IP<CR> is written in capital letters.
Now click the 'Send button'.
The device responds with its IP address in the 'Received/Send data' window.
See the Serial Control Protocol on the website for more information.