
In this article, we cover how to implement Dante Dynamic Routing in ControlSpace Designer for instant recall using timers, GPI contact closures, Bose wall controls, ControlSpace Remote, and other means of parameter set recall such as serial commands.

This topic relates to ControlSpace Designer only.  For information on Dante Dynamic Routing outside the Bose ecosystem, please refer to the Audinate Dante Controller User Guide for preset storing and recall.

Relevant Product(s)

  • ControlSpace Designer


1) Enabling Dynamic Routing

For projects that allow dynamic changes to audio routing between ControlSpace and networked PowerMatch devices using parameter sets, select Enable Dynamic Routing from the System menu.  Dante Control must be enabled for this option to be available.  When dynamic routing is enabled, the Dante input blocks added to parameter sets will also include the subscription information (routing). This allows routing changes to be recalled as required during system operation.  With dynamic routing enabled, the ControlSpace and PowerMatch devices also receive Power-On subscriptions that restore them to a known state that is consistent with the rest of the system at power-up.

Please note: PowerShare amplifiers do not support dynamic routing.

2) Setting the Dante Routing used for Power-On (i.e. start-up state)

To ensure that the routing returns to a known state that is consistent with the rest of the power-on settings for the system, the ESP/EX processors and networked PowerMatch amplifiers will recall designated Power-On subscriptions. These can be updated per module, per device, or for the whole system. 

To set a Power-On subscription, first set up the system with the desired routing. Once the routing is correct, use one of the following options to capture the settings.

  • To capture settings for all the devices at the same time, select the Update All Power-On Subscriptions option in the System > Dynamic Routing menu. Both Dante Control and Dynamic Routing must be enabled for this option to be available.

  • To capture settings for a single device, right-click the device in Project View and select Update Power-On Subscriptions. Both Dante Control and Dynamic Routing must be enabled for this option to appear in the context menu.


  • To capture settings for a single ESP/EX Dante Input block, right-click the block in Signal Processing View and select Update Power-On Subscriptions.  Both Dante Control and Dynamic Routing must be enabled for this option to appear in the context menu.

  • View the saved Power-On subscriptions for any Dante input block in the Properties window. Use this information to determine which Power-On subscriptions will be sent to the hardware when opening and uploading an existing file.  To view the subscription settings, select the Dante Input block in Signal Processing View and then select WindowProperties from the main menu. If Dynamic Routing is enabled, the Properties window displays both the Current subscriptions and the Power-On subscriptions.  If Dynamic Routing is disabled, the Properties window displays the Current subscriptions only.

Properties window for Dante Input block - Dynamic Routing enabled

Properties window for Dante Input block - Dynamic Routing disabled

3) Programming Dante subscriptions into parameter sets

  • Adding Dante subscriptions into parameter sets requires Dante control to be enabled with applicable Dante devices active on the network.
  • To include subscription information when adding Dante input blocks into parameter sets, you must first enable dynamic routing.  

To program a Dante subscription into a parameter set:

  • Use Audinate's Dante Controller software application to configure the desired channel routing.  Link:
  • Open the Signal Processing View of the sound processor or amplifier that has Dante input routing you would like to store.
  • Open the parameter set window. Drag and drop the target input block into the desired parameter set. 

  • Alternatively, right-click on the target input block, select Add To Parameter Set, and then assign it to the intended parameter set. 
  • For PowerMatch amplifiers, select the individual input block to drag and drop.

Note: For PowerMatch amplifiers, ensure the desired input channel for Dante audio is set to Digital.

  • Once the Dante subscription is assigned into a parameter set, you may need to check the desired attributes of the parameter set. Expand the parameter set tree to reveal the input block parameters that were included in the drop package.  Check that the correct Dante subscription is listed here.  Select and delete other parameters that may not be required.

Example: parameter set attributes

Example: parameter set attributes after selecting and deleting non-required details

  • If desired, assign the parameter set(s) to user controls, timers, or serial input strings.
  • Repeat the procedure for creating different recallable Dante subscriptions.

4) Dante subscriptions via Parameter Set recall 

Once the programming is complete, the design must be uploaded to the hardware.  ControlSpace Designer must either be online with the ControlSpace hardware to recall the routing, or the parameter sets can be invoked via serial command or assigned Control Centers and GPI contacts.

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