
Here are the steps to set up a ControlCenter CC-2 to control a Gain and a Selector by connecting to the ESP/EX processor with ControlSpace Designer.


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As shown in the figure below,

  1. Connect the CC-2 volume (orange/white) to GPI pin 1 of the ESP/EX processor,
  2. Connect the A/B selector (green) to pin 2,
  3. Connect white/green to ground (pin 6)

A. Settings for controlling the Gain block of the ESP / EX processor with the volume of CC-2

  1. In the ControlSpace Designer Signal Processing View tab for the ESP/EX processor, double-click GP In to open the GP In Control Panel.
  2. Switch the Mode of Ch1 to A-.
  3. Drag and drop a Gain block onto Analog (-) Control Input 1 in the Program Window (at the bottom of the control panel).


B. Settings for controlling a 2 channel Stereo Selector block of the ESP/EX processor with the CC-2 A/B selector

  1. In the ControlSpace Designer Signal Processing View tab for the ESP/EX processor, double-click GP In to open the GP In Control Panel.
  2. Switch the Mode of Ch2 to D.
  3. Make sure Ch1 (Source 1) is selected on the Stereo Selector block, and then drag and drop it onto Digital Control Input 2 in the Program Window (at the bottom of the control panel).
  4. The Set Mode window will open. Select ON and click the [X] in the upper right corner.
  5. Open the Stereo Selector block, select Ch2 (Source 2), and drag and drop it again into Digital Control Input 2 in the Program Window (at the bottom of the control panel).
  6. The Set Mode window will open. Select OFF and click the [X] in the upper right corner.

* You can check the operation of the function set in GP In by clicking the Test buttons on the right side of the GP In control panel.

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