
This article outlines the basic procedure for programming a ControlSpace CC-64 panel with user controls in a ControlSpace program.


Relevant Product(s)

  • ControlSpace CC-64
  • ControlSpace Designer v1.2 or later
  • ControlSpace ESP Processors (all versions)
  • ControlSpace EX-1280
  • ControlSpace EX-1280c
  • ControlSpace EX-440c
  • PowerMatch 4250N
  • PowerMatch 4500N
  • PowerMatch 8250N
  • PowerMatch 8500N

Note: While the PowerShare PS604D and the PowerShare PS404D are programmed via ControlSpace Designer, they are not compatible with the ControlSpace CC-64 (they will appear to work using the simulator window, but will not work when uploaded to the hardware). These amplifiers can be controlled via ControlSpace Remote or the ControlSpace CC-1D, CC-2D, and the CC-3D. 



Before programming the ControlSpace CC-64, the Signal Flow, Block Naming, Groups, and Parameter Sets configuration should be completed. 

The CC-64 is a wall-mounted control panel. The CC-64 includes a master selector knob, four individual gain/selector control knobs, four membrane bank select buttons, and a two-line 40 characters per line backlit LCD display. The master selector knob, gain/selector control knobs, and display are fully programmable.

The upper right section of the panel has three LEDs indicating network link status, network data receive, and network data transmit. Each gain/selector control knob is surrounded by 15 LEDs which indicate the relative position or level of the knob. Each bank selector button has an LED to indicate when it is active. The bottom line of the LCD display shows labels for the gain/selector control knobs.

The four gain/selector control knobs may control different signal processing functions in each of the four banks, for a total of sixteen settings.

For this programming example, a simple worship center scenario which has seven microphones and a computer playback system will be used. This system includes two main loudspeaker speakers, a subwoofer and two stage monitors.

Project View

Signal Processing View

Basic signal processing is shown to represent options that can be accessed with the CC-64 controller. 

In addition, Parameter Sets are assumed to be included to put the system in and out of Standby or low-power mode, and a Group to link the gains of the three Choir microphones is assumed to be included.


1. In Project View double-click on the CC-64 block to open the simulator view:


2. Select to the Signal Processing View of the processor and drag the first Gain Block to the desired gain/selector control knob. It this example the Solo 1 mic is assigned to Bank1, Control 1.

Once assigned, the Block Label will appear in the display. 

Note: The actual panel only displays the first 7 characters of a block name before scrolling. Labels 7 characters or less are encouraged and make for a better user experience. 


3. Continue filling out the bank, in this scenario fill Bank 1 is completed with the Solo and Aux gain controls.


4. Use the bank selector buttons to assign control of the gain/selector control knobs to one of the four banks at a time. In the example below the virtual CC-64 has been changed to Bank 2 and the Lecturn gain block is associated with gain/selector control knob 1.


5. Bank 2 has been further complete with the Minister and Computer gain blocks added to gain/selector control knobs 2 and 4.


6. Group controls can also be associated with a control by left clicking and dragging the title of the gain onto a gain/selector control knob. Below illustrates associating Group 1 "Choir" with Bank 2, gain/selector control knob 3.


7. Additional control may be associated with the gain/selector control knobs of the CC-64 by selecting the Bank 3 and/or Bank 4 buttons.


8. By selecting the Selector option from the bottom menu bank controls can also be associated with the upper right Selector control. Parameter sets can be associated with a the selector, or a control, by left clicking and dragging the title of the Parameter set onto the Selector. Below illustrates associating Parameter Set 1 "System Standby" with the Selector.


To complete the Selector additional Parameter Sets can be added. They will appear to the user in the order that they are added to the Selector. Below illustrates associating Parameter Set 2 "System On" with the Selector.

When both Parameter Sets have been added the Selector menu should look like this:

Note: the Selector control can only be programmed with Parameter Set selections or Source Selectors. The gain/selector control knobs can be programmed with with Gain Blocks, Input/Output Blocks, Group Gain Controls, Parameter Set selections, or Source Selections. 

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