
Each function of the AMM-Gain Share module is described.


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  • ControlSpace Designer


AMM-GainShare Control Panel


Mic: This section has settings for individual mic inputs. You can change the label by clicking the text box. The label background turns green when a microphone signal is detected while online.

Input: Displays the level of the input signal in dBFS.

AutoGain: Displays the gain applied by the AMM algorithm in dB.

- Priority: You can set the priority level for each input. Channels with higher priority levels will override any channels with a lower priority setting. The result is a higher gain compared to lower priority mics. The highest priority level is 1. By default, all are set to 5.
* The same priority level can be set for multiple microphones.

- Bypass: Remove the channel from the AMM algorithm and let it pass through the AMM without attenuation. The channel set to Bypass does not affect the algorithm's autogain calculation.

- Gain: Adjusts the post-gate level of each input channel. The adjustment range is from -∞ to +12 dB, and the default is 0 dB.

- Mute: Mute the input channel. Mute is applied before auto gain. Therefore, the input level of the muted channel does not affect the algorithm's autogain calculation.

- Mute Group: Set the mute group number of the input channel. Mute operations can be linked to multiple channels in the same mute group. For example, if you mute one microphone in Group 1, the other microphones in Group 1 will be muted as well. Select from None or 1 to a group number that is 1 less than the number of input channels.

Output: This section has an output level indicator, gain settings, and mute buttons. Other options include Advanced, Bypass All, and Link settings.

- Output: Indicates the Mix output level of the AMM block in dBFS. 

- Gain: Adjusts the Mix output level of the AMM block.

- Mute: Mute the mix output of AMM.

Advanced: This dialog shows more detailed settings for AMM behavior.

- Output slope: The default value for output slope is 2.00. An output slope of 2.00 means that each channel will receive exactly the amount of gain (or attenuation) that the algorithm has assigned to it. The value of the output slope can be set to any value between 0.01 and 2.00. When the output slope is at its minimum value, 0.01, the auto-mix-gain equals almost 1 (before being converted to dB). i.e. no attenuation is applied (or shared) with other active mics.   Any slope between the minimum and maximum will be an auto-mix gain value between its originally assigned value (full gain sharing based on active mics and the priorities chosen) and 1 (always unattenuated in the presence of other active mics).

- Input RMS average: Length, in milliseconds (ms), of the RMS averaging for the detection of signal levels. Default value is 50.0 ms.

- Output RMS average: Length, in milliseconds (ms), of the RMS averaging for the detection of the output level. Default value is 50.0 ms. .

- Attack: Amount of time, in milliseconds (ms), from when the microphone signal is detected until it is fully open. Default value is 0.5 ms, and the range is 0.5 to 100.0 ms.

- Hold: Amount of time, in milliseconds (ms), that the microphone will remain open once the signal is no longer present. Default value is 0 ms.

- Decay: Amount of time, in milliseconds (ms), required for the microphone to transition from its open state to its fully attenuated state. Default value is 5.0 ms.

Bypass All: All input signals are output from the Gain Share AMM without attenuation.

Link: (ControlSpace EX only) Sets the following link modes.

- Standalone: Unlinked mode (default). Use this mode if you are not linking any blocks.

- Master: When linking blocks (without a conference room router), you must set the link mode of one block to Master.

- Slave: When linking blocks, you must set any block that is not already set to Master link mode to Slave link mode.

- CRR: When linking blocks with a conference room router (supported on ControlSpace EX-1280C, EX-440C, and EX-12AEC), you must set the link mode of all AMM blocks to CRR.

Link ID: (ControlSpace EX only) Incrementally assigns an identification number to blocks in Master or Slave link modes.

Invert Logic Output: (ControlSpace EX only) When this option is selected, the logic output of the block is High when the block's audio output is unmuted, and Low when the block's audio output is muted. If this option is not selected, the logic output of the block is Low when the block's audio output is unmuted and High when the block's audio output is muted.

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